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"The Ministry: Don't Let Your Defeats Defeat You" by Greg Estep

I'm still working on the next post for the "Fit for Service" series - the topic is desperately important as the days get darker prior to the Lord's return, and so I want to be careful and prayerful to make sure those posts are helpful and biblical. But there are plenty of voices out there other than my own (many probably better than my own) that can contribute to the subject. Last week I posted a brief YouTube video of Bob Militello titled "Get It Done" in which he urged us to make the most of the time that we have. Today, I'm posting an audio clip from Pastor Greg Estep that pairs nicely with Militello's exhortation.

I have never met Greg Estep, and yet he has been one of the greatest mentors that God has blessed me with. He was the pastor of Charity Baptist Church in Kettering, Ohio, and the founder of the Charity Baptist Bible Institute. I have been an online student with CBBI for several years, having earned my master's in theology and currently working on my doctorate. Many of the classes at CBBI use recordings of Pastor Estep (who went home to be with the Lord several years ago), and they are one of the many deeply valuable resources that the Lord has permitted me to have.

In the four-minute clip below, Estep is teaching on the priesthood of the believer in Hebrews 11 and provides his practical, biblical perspective on ministry, including the difficulties and failures that inevitably come. Regardless of the kind of ministry the Lord has given you - behind a pulpit, on a street corner, around your neighborhood, at your job, or in your home - I think you will find what he has to say encouraging, especially in those times when it feels difficult to stay in the fight.

For some reason, the only way I could upload the MP3 here was to first make it into a zip file. Why? Don't know. My tech-savvy only goes so far. Anyway, the zipped audio file is below. I hope it is a blessing and an encouragement for you!


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