The trustworthiness of the Bible is the core issue of life that every person must address. Upon the trustworthiness of the Bible hangs our temporal lives and our eternal souls. Even Paul acknowledges this when he says, "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain" (I Corinthians 15:14). While the matter is settled in the heart of a Bible believer, we must be equipped to "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you" (I Peter 3:15) for those who have not yet recognized the truth of God’s word. If we are honest, at times we may need the reminder as well; the onslaught of the world, the flesh, and the devil can sometimes shake us, and so we might need to tug on the anchor from time to time to remind ourselves that it holds firm even as we ride out the worst storms.
Let’s begin with evidence from within the Bible itself. While this might be the least persuasive starting place in the mind of a lost person, we know that it is the best place – in fact, the only place – where we can have absolute confidence. We also know that His word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11), and so even the skeptic will be influenced, whether he realizes it or not. To avoid using the Bible to prove its own trustworthiness would be akin to a soldier neglecting to use his rifle because his enemy has declared he does not believe in the effectiveness of the weapon the solider carries.
Biblical Reasons
God promised to preserve His word. His very reputation is at stake, because if His word is found to be false, corrupted, or inaccurate, then His claim on the adjective “almighty” is negated. See Psalms 12:6-7, Matthew 5:18, and Matthew 24:35. For a vivid illustration, look to Jeremiah 36:16-32, which demonstrates God preserving His word even when men attempt to destroy it!
Within the preserved word of God, He has also promised that every bit of it was given by Him. See II Timothy 3:16-17, I Peter 1:20-21, Jeremiah 1:9. You will not find a mixture of God’s word and man’s philosophies or opinions. When you do see such things in Scripture, they are clearly shown as such and are merely recorded for the sake of the historical accuracy and truthfulness of the narrative. Even Paul admits that his personal advice is recorded by approval and permission of the Holy Spirit in one instance (I Corinthians 7:6). The Bible is true, and in perfect harmony with itself, which is an impressive feat explained only by God’s direction given that God used forty-plus different penmen over the course of approximately 1600 years.
God promised His word would be effectual for those who heed it. If you have any linger doubts about the truthfulness of the Bible, He encourages you to test it. It will prove itself to anyone who honestly examines it. See Isaiah 55:10-11 and Hebrews 4:12.