The issue of authority is one of the driving forces of human history. Who has it? Why? Who doesn't have it? Why not? Who should have it? If we start considering degrees of authority, that complicates things even further. How far does X's authority extend? Is that right? And then of course there is the poignant question posed by the Roman poet Juvenal, who asked "Who watches the watchmen?" In other words, who is the authority over the authority? Who is the final authority?
For the Bible believer, the answer to that question should be simple: God is the final authority.
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Romans 13:1
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matthew 28:18
[Christ is seated at God's right hand] Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
Ephesians 1:21
What some believers may not realize, however, is that God has put something in authority even above Himself. What could that possibly be? It's His word!
I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
Psalm 138:2
So then, returning to the thought at the beginning of this article, if the issue of authority is one of the driving forces behind human history, then it is reasonable to say that mankind's rebellion against God's word is the reason this issue even exists. Let me illustrate.
When teaching literature, I often need to help students distinguish between the moral of the story and the theme of the story. The best way I have found to help them understand is to have them consider how the story addresses two questions. First, what does the story claim is true about life? That leads to the theme. Second, what does the story directly or indirectly suggest we should do as a result of that truth? That's the moral. To further help them understand, I show a diagram that I created (below), and use the opportunity to open further discussion about life and literature.
The issue of authority - specifically final authority - is the foundation of a culture. Not just who has authority, but who has the ultimate authority. Who gets the last word? Who watches the watchmen? Who do you answer to above all else? The foundation established by final authority then influences that culture's perception of truth, or what people believe. What people believe is true influences their morality, or what they should or should not do. Authority, truth, and morals work together as the "religion" (spiritual or otherwise) and form the traditions and customs of the culture - what does daily life look like? Those traditions and customs then influence the politics or government, which are simply the decision-making mechanisms used by the culture.
This is true of any group of people, from a nation all the way down to a family, or even an individual. For Bible believers, God's word is the final authority. As such, we believe what Scripture contains is absolute truth (even when it contradicts the "wisdom" of men), and we pattern our morality after it. Those components form the backbone of the organized church, which has various traditions and customs that (should) fall into line with Scripture. That doesn't mean every church has to operate exactly the same (I Corinthians 12:5), but it does mean that no independent church should have traditions or customs that violate Scripture. Then of course there is church leadership (politics or government on the diagram) that makes the day-to-day decisions. Because the Lord provided so many detailed instructions for the Church and for us as individual believers within the Church, there isn't much left to chance, but you get the idea.
So, back to the issue at hand: whether it is a church, a family, or a nation, the topic of final authority is of utmost importance. If that foundation is flawed, then everything built upon it will be flawed (or at the very least, unstable). Why did sin mar humanity in the Garden of Eden? Why has the history of the world been marked by bloodshed and dictators? Why do we see the world today shaking itself to pieces with all manner of wickedness? Why will the world eventually accept the Antichrist as their "messiah" with little thought or hesitation? Because humanity keeps trying to put something else in place of God's word as the final authority!
When humanity makes itself the final authority, then truth becomes relative. When truth is relative, morality is based on things like "what feels good" or "what's good for me" or "it doesn't hurt anybody." That sort of thinking influences traditions and customs, so that Christmas and Easter replace Christ's virgin birth, death, burial, and resurrection; family-friendly events become platforms for sodomy to be on parade; and marriage (not to mention fidelity) become a laughable institution. And then people wonder why politics has become a filthy pool of vipers lying and serving their own best interests at the expense of the nation.
I wish I could say that we had some hope of turning this around, but it is a problem as old as time, and one that the Bible makes quite clear will remain a problem until the Lord sets things right. What we do have hope for, however, is ourselves, our families, or friends, our coworkers, and our neighbors. If you have put your faith in Christ, are you living like His word is your final authority? If not, correct that today. Correct it within your family (as much as is possible). Encourage fellow believers to do the same (notice I said encourage, not bludgeon them over the head with it like you are casting a millstone unto Abimelech's head (Judges 9). Do you have family, friends, or others in your life who have not put their faith in Christ, and as a result have some poor substitute as their final authority? Give them the gospel! And in giving them the gospel, give them the hope of a final authority who has promised to make all things right one day. The Lord and His word are the final authority!
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11
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