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Exciting News!

Writer's picture: VanguardVanguard

The Vanguard website has been active for a little over a year. In that time the site has reached over 500 people in 62 different countries! I have done nothing to promote the site other than mentioning it to four fellow Bible believers and my parents. Quite frankly, I think those results are incredible, and clearly demonstrate two things:

  1. God is graciously willing to bless and to use Vanguard

  2. People all over the world are searching for content founded on Biblical truth

In the coming weeks I'm to write about all of that a bit more thoroughly, but for today I'm just going to announce Vanguard's Facebook page.

Personally, I don't use social media. It just doesn't appeal to me. However, many people do, including many Bible believers. So, in an effort to meet people where they are, I have decided to start a Facebook page for Vanguard. I've been mulling it over for couple of months, and I decided to go for it because there are many potential benefits, including:

  • Making it easier for many people to know when new content gets posted by posting the links on Facebook.

  • Making it easier for Bible believers to interact with one another through the tools available on Facebook.

  • Making it easier for Bible believers to share the content on Vanguard with others (saved or unsaved) who use Facebook as part of their day-to-day lives.

  • Having another way for people who are independently searching for Biblical truth to come across the content

If you're interested, click here to go to Vanguard's Facebook page, where you can "follow" the page, send a message, and/or comment on posts!

So, here we go. Another small step forward with this thing that started as a small "side ministry" project. If God continues to bless the effort, and if Facebook proves to be a valuable asset for people, then maybe I'll try some other things. But for now...

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