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Jul 2, 20236 min read
Q+A: Can God Really Be Omniscient AND Omnipotent?
Is there a contradiction in God's character that makes Him impossible?
May 28, 20236 min read
People’s (Invalid) Reasons for Objecting to the Bible: How Do We Know the Bible is Trustworthy?
Three common reasons why people object to the Bible, and why the Bible is not a myth, legend, tale, or fable.
May 21, 20232 min read
The Bible vs. Evolution: How Do We Know the Bible Is Trustworthy?
One of the most pervasive lies peddled by so-called “science” is in direct conflict with God's word...and common sense.
May 7, 20234 min read
Archeology: How Do We Know the Bible Is Trustworthy?
Since the Bible is primarily a history book, we can further verify the Bible’s accuracy through the efforts of archeologists.
Apr 30, 20232 min read
How Do We Know the Bible Is Trustworthy?
The trustworthiness of the Bible is the core issue of life that every person must address.
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